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Week three reading: isaiah 35
everlasting joy shall be upon them 
reflection and discussion questions: 
  1. In the first two verses of this passage, Isaiah writes repeatedly of the joy that "shall" come to God's people.  There is a looking ahead.  As people today who live in the tension of what Jesus has done and what "shall" be done when He returns, how do our hope and joy in Him go together? â€‹

  2. In what ways does this hope and joy of Christ, "Strengthen the weak hands, and make firm the feeble knees"?  Read Hebrews 12:1-13. â€‹

  3. On Sunday, Ralph encouraged us to "stay in the Scriptures and stay with Jesus."  He encouraged us to read the Scriptures: slowly, imaginatively, prayerfully, and obediently.  Reread Isaiah 35 with this in mind.  How can you pray this passage?  How is God calling you to respond? â€‹

  4. Read Nehemiah 8:9-12.  How can our joy be a blessing to those around us (home, work, church, community, etc.)?


Questions and ideas to share with children:

This week's theme is joy.

  1. Joy is a mindset and not just a feeling. Feelings, like happiness, will come and go. What do you think a mindset is? (talk about choosing to think about/believe something)

  2. Sometimes we have Joy but still feel another feeling at the same time. Kind of like riding a roller coaster, it's scary and exciting at the same time. Can you think of other times you've had mixed feelings about something?

  3. Read Isaiah 61:1-4. Talk about how Jesus brings us beauty, joy, and a reason to praise. Get a jar of vinegar and a jar of something sweet (juice, pop, etc). Pour them a small amount of vinegar and have them taste it. Then tell them they can trade it in to you for Joy instead, and give them instead a cup of the sweet stuff. Explain that just like they traded in their bitter stuff for a sweet thing, we can choose to bring our sadness, our hard things to God and he will give us Joy.

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