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more ways to connect and serve

There are several ways to connect and serve in our life together.  Below are a few different ministries and the contact person for the ministry.  At the bottom of the page you can fill out a form to learn more! 

Other areas of ministry

Hospitality Ministry

Jeanne Dotson and team serve the church by helping plan and host potluck meals and other events for the church.  

Music Ministry

Jason Hubbard and Rachel Spiegel co-lead our music ministry.  They and their team help lead worship for our Sunday morning gatherings and any special services.  Their aim is not one of performance, but rather to help usher God's people into worship and praise of Him.  

Women's Ministry

Tina Grau and team help serve the church by creating ways for women to build and foster relationships with one another.  This happens in a variety of ways from Bible study to meals together. 

Men's Ministry

Mike Kerrigan and team help the men of the church develop and use their God given gifts and abilities for the benefit of the Body of Christ and the expansion of His Kingdom.  They meet weekly Wednesday mornings and hold a annual retreat in the fall.

Outreach Ministry

Mary Brack leads our Outreach Ministry at Grace.  We have several ways to get involved in our neighborhood and its community.  Some ways are through our relationship with Keyser Elementary and Rogers High School, as well as our School Supply Pantry.  

Deacon Ministry

Mike Dotson and team serve the people of the church and its facilities in so many ways, from caring for certain individual needs to the property as a whole.  

Tech Ministry

Tim Kerrigan leads our Tech Team.  This team serves on Sunday mornings and any special services in our sound booth, and they help with the communication display.  


For further information about a particular ministry or to contact a ministry leader please fill out the form below:

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Contact us

3700 Dorr St

Toledo OH, 43607


Tel: 419.535.0060

Fax: 419.535.5992


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